Komentar :
nosreme kinam (30/04/2018 02:20)
Ibu saya mengalami luka bakar terkena air panas di kaki, dan dengan sigap UGD RSUD Pasar Minggu bertindak. Ibu saya pengguna BPJS, dan dilayani dengan baik, pulang ke rumah. Setelah 2 hari control kembali ke dokter bedah, disarankan debriment. Puji Tuhan dengan tim medis serta dokter bedah pada saat itu Dr. Ade yang menangani, sangat baik dan kooperatif. Terimakasih atas pelayanan dan perawatan yang baik dari Rumah Sakit Pasar Minggu.
Essya Yanisa (30/04/2018 02:08)
RSUD yg oke. 7 bulan yang lalu saya melahirkan disini dan semuanya memuaskan. mulai dari dokter SPOG nya kebetulan waktu itu saya ditangani oleh dr. Hendrivand SPOG. poli kebidanan, ruangan VK, ruangan OK, sampai kamar rawatnya semua bersih dan nyaman. Tenaga bidan dan perawatnya pun sangat bagus dan telaten. Terima kasih RSUD Pasar Minggu.
Fikri Fanani (20/04/2018 19:49)
not recommended for non bpjs user, but recommended for bpjs user. Why, because this is government hospital, all patient is equal. so if u have another insurance or etc, use non goverment hospital.
Phelah P (15/03/2018 17:19)
The service is really slow.. I waited for more than 5 hours for the room.. they should fix their admin system.. either they work so slow or they don’t have good system
Aldy Fariha (25/02/2018 11:38)
Came here to visit family member. Everything went smooth with bpjs payment. The only thing I can complain is the lift access, in visiting hours it can be very hectic.
Julius Gandasutisna (23/01/2018 00:18)
Using bpjs. All went smooth. Staff very helpful. Clean and nice ambiance. Very modern for govt hospital
Karina D (27/10/2017 07:15)
Great building, friendly and helpful staff. But the waiting time for one service to another is still a bit long.
Yulia Rahmawati (18/06/2017 04:01)
A new form of Pasar Minggu hospital. Become so big and advance. It was located in Jl. Raya Ragunan near SMAN 28 with very old building before. And I was born there.
Karina Djie (27/10/2017 07:15)
Great building, friendly and helpful staff. But the waiting time for one service to another is still a bit long.
Lenovo Android (23/10/2017 12:57)
Most helpfull medical and non medical staffs. Very clean environment.
Kay Nazarite (29/06/2017 17:06)
Nice indoor and outdoor design. With army themed color
Amelia Dirhardjo (16/02/2017 06:14)
I was here 1 month ago for checked-up pregnancy accuration. but, not accurated. their said im pregnant. but in other hospital that is not true very much. i just late-menstruation period, not pregnant. im so dissapointed, i wish im pregnant. and glad to hear that but just hoping hole.
ario na86 (21/12/2016 02:27)
Recomended... To fast service
Melinda Aryani (05/12/2016 02:34)
I have to wait 3 hours to take the medicines -_-" so far, it is good.
Devanno Viere (22/08/2016 03:52)
Good service at 1st floor, 2nd floor nurses are gone, need almost an hour to get tension check, wtf?
Dinno A. Madaputra (10/04/2016 12:25)
A new government district hospital. New building and just start to operate at the end of 2015. Pros: clean building, large, good ventilation, good air conditioning, acceptable service. Cons: there many things aren't available or functional because it is still new, parking space need to be better regulated, need more security,
jualrak toko (28/07/2016 17:50)
RSUD Pasar Minggu
Stiya Kumalasari (19/07/2016 01:20)
Pelayanan nya lama bangeeeettt...mau ke radiologi ampun deh..jam 8.00 harusnya udahmulai tp smp jam 8.27 masih blm ada panggilan juga...mau mulai panggilan jam berapa ini....???
A Google User (11/03/2012 13:05)
No more operating.. out of business...