Komentar :
Benny Yuniartho (10/06/2018 05:01)
Cepat prosesnya, yg cuciin banyak, ga antri lama..Kualitas cuci sesuai sama harganya..
Elsya Iyas (29/05/2018 17:42)
Steam expres
Dimas Pranowo (18/03/2018 13:31)
24hr car wash. Quietly fair utk hasil cucinya.
Rony Riswandy (07/03/2018 14:39)
Ilham AB (03/01/2018 11:39)
Good car wash with many employee to work, so you don't need to wait for a long time.
anton hexum (24/11/2017 08:51)
Not a fancy and luxury car wash, but its quite comfy for me as it placed at where i going out/ going home.
Car slot also ok, enough for 5-6 car in a time.
Okky Ramone (15/06/2017 03:38)
A 24 hour car wash, just in case you forgot to wash your car today.