Komentar :
Bonchan S (16/12/2017 07:02)
Agung Nur Irfan (17/09/2017 06:30)
tessa yank (04/09/2017 04:30)
David Rijanto (28/07/2017 11:20)
Bookstore awesome
sasep58 ASEP SAEPULLOH (16/07/2017 11:33)
Arga Aditya (15/04/2017 12:58)
An old Plaza in Sukabumi with quite variation on the inside.
On the first floor; It has McDonald, Dunkin Donuts, and Kurnia Agung's book store. You'll also find the fitness tool's seller, toy shop, cell phone and publishing shop, and herbal shop in the same floor.
On the second floor; you'll find great childrean play area, console shop, and archery area.
It also has quite big parking lot for car and bike.
Edo Gunawan (19/10/2017 05:03)
Shop retail with a large parking area
Datasena Igusti (05/07/2016 05:30)
Banyak angkot penuh warna sedikit bingung tapi indah