Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Curug Luhur

Cianjur, Jawa Barat
Klasifikasi: Area Publik
Alamat: Jl. Hegarmanah, Pamijahan, Tapos I, Tenjolaya, Tapos I, Tenjolaya, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16370, Indonesia
Rating: 3.80

Komentar :

Afra'hul Fadilah (23/06/2018 17:32)
The waterfall is natural and beautiful. Beside that, for you who bring your little family especially children, this waterfall fits you well. Because this waterfall has a swimming pool and waterboom. But some spots still have bad waste management.

nico maris (18/06/2018 22:49)
Lokasinya dikuasai pengelola dan tidak dirawat. Lingkungan sekitar curug buatan manusia. Klo nyari wisata alami ini bukan tempatnya.

Tarif masuk sangat mahal parkir motor 10rb uang masuk 45rb.

Infrastruktur sudah usang dan jorok.

Tidak rekomen

Trisno Utomo (12/05/2018 07:17)
Not recomended

Joko Harsono (26/01/2018 11:58)
Nice view place for nature recreation...

Mohamed Alshaban (05/01/2018 12:16)
Good but no one take good care of the place

Nadia Rinda (18/10/2017 10:07)
Expensive, but they got a comercial water boom near the waterfall so the view was not so natural anymore. More or less its still quite nice to enjoy and relax if its not weekend (crowded)

Mohammad Ali Muiz (17/07/2017 18:26)
Often two crowded, with various built infrastructure make curug less natural. You can enjoy cup of coffee or meal while watching the waterfall

Riza Putranto (12/12/2016 09:37)
Quite nice place for cheap water boom. The water is fresh. But the location is quite hidden. Narrow street also, so should be careful if you're driving to come here. Recommended if you seek a nice fresh air.

Reynt B (31/07/2017 05:45)
If you want get hurt go swim here dangerous place

Sapta Noveriani (30/06/2017 10:48)
The place called Curug (means waterfall),but the small waterfall was overshadowed by many pools and slides,it was jammpacked with people,dirty and charge expensive ticket.

Lutfy Abdulah (26/06/2017 23:50)
Wonderfull place

ninit fio (11/06/2017 06:30)

Key - 6201 (28/04/2017 09:06)

Eko Ambar Anggoro (01/10/2016 15:21)
Nice place for swimming

Zuanda Zhun (07/07/2015 00:37)

Daniel Gerald (02/05/2015 09:58)
Good waterfall but too much garbage like plastic , etc.. please keep clean if you go there.

riandi Andreansyah (30/07/2014 17:43)

Fardi Hidayat (17/08/2016 06:03)
mantap pokoknya

Alam Kojay (14/08/2016 12:47)
Seru buat maen bocah.... (hati2 ada beberapa wahana yg fiber nya sdh mulai rusak). Sayangnya aernya kurang bersih.

Asep Jayadi (11/07/2016 16:21)
Indah dan alami

afif faiq (01/06/2016 02:17)
Bayar kesana berapa

Devi Handayani (06/04/2016 09:09)
Tempat nya indah.

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