Komentar :
bisma jireh (10/05/2018 07:06)
The stress reliever
RAHDIAN SAEPULOH (02/03/2018 16:00)
Beautiful small waterfall. The view is amazing but getting there by car during rainy season is highly NOT recommended. The road is climbing and small, rocky, slippery and often having landslide. Make sure the tires of the car are in good condition.
Adi Fajar (10/12/2017 10:52)
Wiww manteff
AW Hadi Saputro (06/11/2017 03:56)
This waterfall has a good view, pool to swim and relaxing, supported with facilities like Dressing Room, Hammock Rental, and Life Jacket Rental. The best transportation to reach this place is with motorbike but make sure yu are expert rider, while the road are so tricky and slippery. Car is also possible but with only room for a car, will be trouble if you find other car from opposite direction is in the road. 15 minutes walk from the parking site.
Rista Sanjaya (09/07/2017 13:28)
A nice and fresh place to visit. It has a clear water in each three waterfall. But this place need a system too manage the garbage (by providing trash bin) and teach its visitors not too throw their garbage everywehere. They need to manage the vendor not to build their shops every corner which could make degrade the natural view. It is also very hard to access, some part of road are bad and so many local people charge for donation in each road. I recommend you to ride a motorcycle to reach this site.
Fajar Prasetyo (21/04/2017 18:52)
The Hidden Spring Waterfall
This places is a COMBOS spring waterfall, near a "Datar Kolle" mount, there's a total 5 waterfall which is 3 on up-hill (curug Hordeng, curug Kembar, curug Ciburial, and 2 other is below (Leuwi Lieuk & Leuwi Hejo). It's realy can makes you amaze with all the thing this places had, the tracks, the view, and the waterfall it's self, and also the local people here so friendly, kind and honest (not money oriented yet).
You have to prepare your bike so good if you use that vehicle to go there, because the road it's extremely to dangerous with so many cliff and valley, if you go with car, definetly you can go up until reach the starting base, or you can just park your vehicle below on local people house's yard, and you can use bike jockey services until you reach to starting base.
This place preservation and operated by the local people, that you have to buy a tickets on a cheap prices ( it's only cost 15.000 IDR), which is all the ticket sales for operational and maintenance this places, and also for the insurance.
Overall you will be exciting with this place and find an exotic spring waterfall there, a local wisdom that particularly unique you only can find in rural people.
Rosdian dian (02/09/2017 10:20)
Gavin Ranggata (31/08/2017 09:48)
Perjalanan ke curugnya indah,menaiki sedikit bukit, jalan masuk dari akses jalan utama masih kurang bagus tapi itulah seni berpetualangnya, lebih baik naik sepeda motor atau mobil2 yang kuat nanjak,karena jalannya mendaki gunung lewati lembah. Cukup sunyi di hari biasa,saat bulan basah, airnya deras dan jernih, indah dilihat. Tiket masuk kemarin sih kita bayar IDR 40.000 untuk 2 orang sudah termasuk parkir motor. Bawa air minum yang cukup supaya tidak kehabisan, karena lumayan nanjak jalannya.
Yulisa Eno (26/08/2017 04:40)
Jalanannya ancur parah bikin ngeri. Dan jalanan dr parkiran ke curug lumayan jauh dan terjal. Tapi curugnya kereeen
Etrama Raizel (04/08/2017 02:09)
Airnya jernih banget, tempatnya bersih terawat, curugnya bagus, tapi akses menuju curug masih lumayan ekstrim dikarenakan masih tanah bayangkan kalo hujan pasti licin dan dari pintu masuk untuk kendaraan motor masih parah karena jalan bebatuan. Tapi gak akan nyesel deh.
Jery Matheus (27/05/2017 07:13)
Ok banget air nya bersih alami
Cuma trak perjalanan kelokasi ini cukup lumanyan.
Lufen Xianlink (02/05/2017 17:42)
Satu kawasan curug terdiri dari 6 curug,dari curug hordeng 1&2,curug kembar,curug ciburial,dan curug cisarua 1&2,untuk curug cisarua 1&2 dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 jam tracking,karna berhubung waktu yang tidak memungkinkan saya dan teman saya tidak melanjutkan perjalanan menuju curug cisarua 1&2,untuk fasilitas toilet,baru ada di curug hordeng,di curug lainya belum ada,diharapkan suatu saat bisa dibangun,untuk warga disekitar curug orangnya ramah",dan harga masuk curug ramah kantong.
Agus Kurniawan (10/04/2017 14:33)
Ntappz Banget Bro Jalan Nya Extrem Butuh Tenaga Extra Tapi Kebayar Sama Keindahan Nya @Curug Hordeng
Bang Along (06/04/2017 05:28)
ajib lah nyesel loh kalo blum ke tempat ini ...
Wisata Jabodetabek (15/03/2017 02:00)
bawa jasujaaannn... cerah, berawan, kabut, hujan, cerah lagi, hujan lagi... slalu begitu... selepas hujan widiiiiihhhh pemandangan "puncak rindu sukamakmur"nya mancaaabbb, air terjunnya juga tetap jernih walaupun setelah hujan karena posisi curugnya di atas. eh iyaa jangan buang sampah sembarangan yaa.. kalau curug ini kotor, otomatis sampahnya mengalir ke leuwi hejo. keren sadiiiiisss.
fyi: sebisa mungkin jangan naik motor matic yaa hha, rute kesana banyak tanjakan 45 derajatnya.
salam lestari
Indah h (12/02/2017 15:17)
Air terjun di curug hordeng ada dua, yang di atas dan yang di bawah. Keduanya memiliki aliran yang deras dan tidak disarankan untuk main air di bawah air terjun. Track untuk sampai ke sini sangat sulit, sekitar setengah jam dari pintu masuk. Harap menggunakan sendal gunung. Hindati kesini saat musim hujan karena licin. Belum ada fasilitas ganti baju dan toilet di sini sehingga bila ingin ganti baju harus ke area curug Kembar yang dekat dengan curug Hordeng.