Komentar :
Dicky Mhd (28/05/2018 01:55)
Quiet place, bit expensive but satisfying
The Brightside (04/04/2018 06:55)
Oke.. asik
Bagus Suryo Nugroho (03/04/2018 15:31)
Lumayan lah.. tempatnya bersih...
Siska Marliana (08/03/2018 00:54)
Baso sehat
Khusnul Khotimah (16/09/2017 08:19)
Yummy meat ball
dhanny tantri (15/03/2013 02:38)
They have this burger bakso which is actually a mashed potato-cheese-meatball-stuffed dumpling wrap. It is very good! Plus, it is very near from my house
A Google User (04/04/2012 06:43)