Komentar :
Uniek Dwi (04/05/2018 23:17)
Bersih dan nyaman..
Filson Sidjabat (14/04/2018 11:35)
The room is wide and clean and good hospitality
Wahyu Agung Sugimartanto (29/12/2017 07:10)
This hotel offers best service e. g. Clean room, pretty new facilities and with reasonable price compare to other similar hotels around the city. This is definitely I would choose to come again if ever needed
Eti Rimawati (26/12/2017 09:22)
Excellence.....nice facility n cheaper
yudi wahyudin (09/11/2017 15:58)
Nice place
iman awaludin (16/07/2017 10:52)
Good Rooms, toilet, AC, Water Heater...in a cheap price...
Eliza Said (30/06/2017 01:25)
Nice and clean w/ fair rate
Odik Sodikin (22/05/2017 18:49)
Cucu Cahyana (22/02/2017 09:14)
Located in the center of the city, just around 1.5 km from the train/bus station.
Official Payung Teduh (21/02/2017 02:32)
Arih Rie (02/02/2017 09:11)
Ayu Sadegga (08/12/2015 10:23)
Gula Rock (25/06/2016 20:25)
Ini merupakan hotel alternative buat istirahat. Lokasi masih di dalam kota.
Hendro Adi Indriatno (13/12/2015 02:28)
Hotelnya sangat enak,bersih baik kamar maupun kamar mandi dibanding hotel yg lain di Ciamis yg pernah saya sewa, bangunannya baru,ratenya normal,sayang breakfastnya cuma roti.
Hendri Dunan KN (12/12/2015 11:29)