Komentar :
TON INDO (30/05/2018 10:47)
Makin sepi..tpi bnyak brng langka dsini
Aje Wijayaa (03/04/2018 22:34)
Amrico Arifin (11/03/2018 13:58)
Johan eka putra (30/12/2017 11:08)
Not bad
Kubu Kustom (12/07/2017 14:02)
Best place for shoop in muara bungo
Davina Chairmanita (12/07/2017 02:11)
The goods are fine, but they don't have enough cashier. On weekdays they only open 1 - 2 cashier so the line is too long.
Bambang Eko Nugroho (02/07/2016 13:53)
Good to have this in the neighborhood, helping people to fulfill their needs. Just need more attention to details of its cleanliness and the lay out so that customers can get better way in shopping around
Nursaid Sudarma (22/10/2017 05:31)
Belanja kebutuhan sehari-hari
Sigit Syahputra Dewa (03/10/2017 17:48)
Sya pernah jualan disana , bagi sya hypermart muaro bungo tempat yg paling indah yg pernah sya kunjungi
Anjar Rahayu (23/08/2017 10:26)
Good shopping place
Rayhan Gusti Firmansyah (02/07/2017 11:01)
Tempat belanja dan bermain yang cukup bagus bagi keluarga
Mellanie Alfarianti (27/06/2017 16:55)
Kurang rapi
Ike Fadli (25/06/2017 01:05)
adi nurman (30/05/2017 15:55)
Nyaman dan sejuk
Tiominah Gultom (24/04/2017 22:45)
Fasilitas y bagus "org Yg jualan y rama"