Komentar :
Maryo Imay (18/05/2018 11:36)
It's big, if you look at it from the front and you're new to this city, you will think it's a king's palace or something like that..
mohammad bagus sasmita (20/10/2016 02:09)
gedung yang megah. audiensi dg bpk bupati
khairil bakri (21/08/2016 16:00)
Tempatnya luas..
sumber jaya (22/04/2016 09:06)
tempat tinggal saya
Mas Ivan Lestarianto (18/02/2016 23:42)
Hhehehee... coba2 google maps. Akhirx ketemu juga. Hebat ya..!!
iqbal nur (17/01/2016 05:23)
kantor bupati
Indra Lesmana (14/01/2017 02:02)
Area Komplek Perkantoran Pemerintah Kabupaten Bulungan
Handoko S.Pd.T (24/01/2016 01:09)
Dekat rumah Sabanar Baru