Komentar :
J B (28/05/2018 18:39)
La randonnée n'est pas très longue et accessible à tous. Le spectacles des cascades à l'arrivée est grandiose. On peut même se baigner. Attention les chutes d'eau sont extrêmement puissante. Donc restez un peu à l'écart quand même.
Adhie Reira (02/02/2018 09:50)
Ni air terjun mantaaaaapp banget guys, cuma mang butuh tenaga yg lumàyan buat mencapai air terjun ini, Ada beberapa air terjun Di sekitar lokasi, Dari tempat parkir motor, krg lebih jln kaki skitar 50mtr dah kliatan Dari atas.. klo pgin lbih mantap lg ya harus turun.. lmyan cape pastinya, tapi bakal terbayar klo dah nyampe
Yaan Leo (24/11/2017 05:36)
Sekumpul Waterfall Location
It’s location in Sekumpul Village, Sawan district and Singaraja Region, north part of Bali Island. It is situated approximately 76 km from Denpasar city and 20 km from the town of Singaraja, or taking 3 hours from Denpasar. We recommend you pass through Sekumpul Village when visiting this waterfall and you will go for bit long trekking through cemented path and continued to trek down through the deep hundred of steps as well as crossing river. Therefore, it is suitable to wear the short pant, T-shirt and Sandal (trekking shoes).