Komentar :
Donald Brown (08/01/2018 12:55)
Typical Indomart ...stocks same items as other stores in the franchise
There is a large Mosque across the road so at certain times of the day the area is quite congested and car parking is rather difficult 😫
merta suardana (20/12/2017 22:02)
Slamet Bwi (18/04/2017 22:00)
Eka Setiawati (19/08/2016 16:14)
Not bad
Yehuda Yudhistira (23/05/2016 17:45)
Open from 7 a.m until 11 p.m
Agus Ariawan (24/07/2017 13:00)
Karna tempatnya deket ma tempat kerja ku
nurul hidayati (05/07/2017 23:50)
Lumayan lengkap
GALIH AKSA (25/01/2017 06:24)
Lumayan tempat singgah untuk beli cemilan
I Mang Galih (05/01/2017 22:20)
Indomart Pemaron tp fotonya bukan hadeeeh ntahah... ala2 sengajak gt ya
Wirawan Sudewa (30/11/2016 13:06)
Tree Setiawan P (15/05/2016 03:12)
Lokasi strategis
silvanus lorca (13/11/2015 04:16)
Salah posisi penempatan informasi