Komentar :
Jenny Milne (01/05/2018 08:33)
It was fun finding this place. But the poor tree has been blasted in a storm and a large part is now firewood. There's a cool small temple on site worth looking at too.
Flor Wouters (27/04/2018 05:17)
The tree is dead and falling apart... You can still see a part of the tree, which is still very impressive!
Pedro De Almeida (24/01/2018 02:08)
Unfortunately, the giant tree has fallen... 😓
Juli Anto (02/01/2018 14:14)
Cool village... Good place fo refreshing
Heri Xs (21/10/2017 06:12)
Dengan umur hampir 1000 tahun pohon bunut ini tetap mempunyai vibrasi yang kuat walaupun sekarang hanya tinggal sisa2 akarnya saja setelah beberapa kali kena hantaman petir....smoga nilai2 kesakralannya tetap terjaga...._/|\_
Meiyi C (12/07/2017 04:02)
It took me nearly an hour to find this place because the tree was blown halfway apart two years ago by a heavy storm, so it's only 20% of its original size, much more difficult to spot now. However do come here and walk around it, it's breathtaking how majestic it is!
Dex Seti (10/07/2017 01:27)
Pohon raksasa yang sudah berumur tua. Kini pohon tersebut roboh terkena terjangan angin di bagian sebelah kanannya,jika anda berkunjung kesini mungkin tidak menemukan secara utuh seperti di foto ini
Astrid van Sprang (20/10/2017 12:26)
Boom is grotendeels weg. Niet meer de moeite waard.
Meiyi Cheng (12/07/2017 04:02)
It took me nearly an hour to find this place because the tree was blown halfway apart two years ago by a heavy storm, so it's only 20% of its original size, much more difficult to spot now. However do come here and walk around it, it's breathtaking how majestic it is!
Алёна Ермоленко (16/04/2017 04:01)
Скажу просто:не впечатлило. Да, большое дерево, можно полазить вокруг него, потрогать это древнее дерево. На вид выглядит так, будто само дерево уже давно погибло и его зелень обеспечена другими растениями)