Komentar :
Nova Merta (05/08/2020 11:37)
Good place
dhamar perbangkara (05/07/2020 10:22)
good place , great time.. awesome experience, having a private movie theater , and we can choose what ever we wanted to watch.. ????????????????????????
Yulian Kristalia (26/01/2020 02:47)
Old movie but still good
Nuh Asgar (03/06/2019 05:00)
Made Sindhu (31/12/2018 07:02)
private, comfort, sound THX 5.1, projector 3D, update movies. So, what's better than these?
eby sino (06/12/2018 13:01)
Watch movies with friends and family. Great movies with quality sound system. Mantabz....
M. Fadhli Rahman (01/10/2018 02:20)
Great place to watch a movie with friends and family.
Made Dwipamaha (04/09/2018 05:49)
This comfy place to watch your favorite movies, bring along your parents, friends, neighboors, enough space for everyone with a reasonable price
ratna tamba (20/04/2018 01:39)
They serve not so many movies and the movies are not quite update.
Budi Sanjaya (13/04/2018 10:56)
Movie in private room
Meirza Johar (08/04/2018 01:22)
Nice watching movie film
Andri Septiawan (19/10/2017 06:54)
Nice place, just choose your movie and watch it
Made Panter (14/01/2018 12:11)
Bioskop mini yg cukup bagus untuk hiburan keluarga atau berkelompok,film bisa di pilih sendiri,ruangan nyaman .
Fauzun Adry (13/01/2018 15:00)
Harga tiket perorang brapa om??
Ketut Suwardika (02/01/2018 12:43)
Tempat hiburan yang asyik di singaraja...nonton film...pilih jenis film sendiri sesuai selera....roomnya keren...harga cukup ekonomis...soundnya keren...Untuk singaraja...top dech
Pb Garena (08/10/2017 07:59)
Brpa bayar??
Iketut Yasa (04/11/2017 08:47)
Bayarnya perorang berapa beli?
Zulfikar Fikar (18/05/2017 03:03)
Lumayan koleksi film nya
ngurah yudhi wiratama (16/01/2017 09:23)
Mini teather ...
Bisa pilih film ..
Nice place
black valentines (20/09/2016 11:09)
Nonton pilem
Komang Endi (17/07/2016 00:26)
Pelayanan baik
I Gde Yudhi Hendrawan (27/09/2015 10:43)
Ruang nyaman, serasa nonton di bioskop 21
Sindhu Yoga (24/08/2015 06:58)
BlackBox Movies is the first private cinema in Indonesia are using a 3D projector technology, THX sound 5.1, private and cozy rooms, and supported by computerized operating system. BlackBox Movies providing rooms for consumers that can be used for various entertainment needs. Beside that, BlackBox Movies are also alternative media for other companies or products advertising.