Komentar :
xenom v (22/12/2020 08:19)
Pemalas, pelayanan tdk baik smbil ngevape dan bodo amat
Ilham Putra (19/12/2020 04:26)
No Properly Good Estimation
Riyan ilhami Firdaus (02/12/2020 09:53)
The place to make stickers is fast so the price is guaranteed to be cheap but not cheap
Slamet Rahardjo (10/11/2020 08:29)
The workmanship is neat and in terms of price I say affordable. Cheap but not cheap. Can be competed for quality finishing from other cutting places.
Aziz Wildan (18/11/2019 02:51)
Jual mesin cutting sticker gak ya?
Abah Ara (04/06/2019 06:06)
Hari ini masih buka ga ya, klu buka sampai jam berapa
Rahmat Cirebon (26/02/2019 12:28)
Apakah menerima cutting motor tua?
Joe Satriani (21/11/2018 01:52)
Bagus memuaskan
AF Ashari (27/06/2017 18:35)
Map Akurat.
Cutting Stiker by Ang Oji
Luthfan Baihaqi Rasyid (22/03/2018 17:04)
Pintar bagian editornya
Luthfan Baihaqi (22/03/2018 17:04)
Pintar bagian editornya