Komentar :
Yuli Widiyastuti (09/05/2018 03:18)
Very delicious cusine and fare price.. will visit again next time
Taufik Hidayat (21/04/2018 09:22)
The place is not so bad, the taste is so so, the price is achievable
shaVrinTa (06/04/2018 18:32)
Taste ✔ place: not bad, but the price not suitable for student 😂
Ferry Susabda (03/02/2018 08:38)
As the restaurant name suggests, they sell variety of noodles and nasi goreng. The place is reasonably clean
Aditya Aria (11/01/2018 09:53)
Cozy place for enjoying Nasi goreng, Mie godog, etc. But unfortunately this place has limited parking lot
Wuyi Anggraini (26/12/2017 16:08)
Good food, good service, affordable price.
Yehudha Artha (08/12/2017 17:26)
Cheap price, delicious food. Totaly worth it.
Handoyo KAR (26/11/2017 11:38)
Baru pertama kali nih ketempat ini, over all oke rasa dan tempatnya jempol
Rifan Fitrianto (31/10/2017 23:35)
Gallant Karunia (07/10/2017 11:02)
mouth watering and affordable price
Aris Budianto (12/08/2017 10:13)
Cheap and delicious
Tiara Aisha D (18/07/2017 06:03)
Delicious and affordable! Fast served. The taste are so authentic
Nirmana Adhelia (30/06/2017 09:02)
Delicious traditional javanese noodle restaurant
aditya nugraha (22/04/2017 13:09)
Affordable price and very good taste.
Nien Kitchen (09/04/2017 21:52)
Authentic food "mie anglo"
Adithya Bayu Wihascaryo (13/02/2017 02:38)
not reccomended to be visited...
the food taste are below average, non proper service, dirty place, etc
Daniel Sulis (30/01/2017 11:37)
Good food
Solekh Sugiharto (26/01/2017 09:49)
Salahsatu warung mie solo yg wajib dicoba, dengan varian menu yg lengkap dengan harga yg bersahabat, dan suasana warung yg nyaman
Leo Nando (19/12/2016 11:46)
Harganya tidak pas dgn isinya ,,sedikit mie nya juga ayamnya dibandingkan mie jawa laen2nya yg byk isinya....kalo tdk prcya silahkan anda coba skali!
kirana tantri (17/11/2016 01:24)
Tasty dishes, great place for eating in large group
zen muttaqin (03/10/2016 13:43)
Mie Anglo Salah satu wisata Kuliner Solo yang wajib di coba
Tulus hari nusanto (29/06/2016 07:05)
Wiryo Sardjono (20/05/2016 16:13)
Uenak , mantap
Dahana 2000 (02/04/2016 10:57)
Restoran dengan kuliner tradisi, mantap rasanya
Cecilia Sandra (25/12/2015 11:14)
Wenak tenan~ hihi
Kurang pedes aja sih, wkwkwk.
Rochmat Purwanto (13/05/2015 07:20)
Bakmi Jawa kuliner khas solo, benar benar mantap. ke solo nggak mampir ke mieanglo kurang lengkap.