Komentar :
Iccank Azis (21/05/2018 02:31)
They sell fresh bread and also coffee. You can find this frenchies bread almost in airports around Indonesia. They are not provide table and chair for eating and drinking.
Syahril Sahuddin (25/04/2018 06:09)
Enak rotinya harganya juga enak hehe
SwirlyTwirlyRandomOs (06/03/2018 14:09)
Bought a cup of hot cappucino here. It tasted as if it came straight from a cheap instant cappucino you can buy in convenience store. It was sweet, they didn't bother to ask if i like sugar in my coffee or not. I didn't. The sugar was not given separately. My guess is, it was an instant cappucino. Maybe I'm wrong, but it definitely did not worth my 35k. Ohh.. And the clerk looked as if she was bored to death...
666081 The Number (09/09/2017 18:05)
nice taste of indonesian bread, franchise bakery all over public places in indonesia
Latif Prasetyohadi (07/08/2017 13:01)
Just Ordinary Rotiboy shop
Muslida Tasman (20/05/2017 07:59)
Rotinya enak banget
ismed syahrul (02/09/2016 14:34)
Take it away 20 pcs. Your kids love it.
Munawir Thahir (19/09/2017 06:14)
cukup aromanya saja yang melintas di indera penciuman anda... Hahahah
Nur Leyla (09/07/2017 05:24)
akhmad kamaluddin (01/07/2017 00:31)
Aroma rotinya masih enak walaupun tidak seenak dulu..
Warsono Hadi Sumarto (29/09/2016 02:29)
Enak dan besarnya sesuai ukuran mulut kita.