Komentar :
Amir Mursyid (14/02/2018 01:22)
Bengkel mobil untuk segala jenis merek yg di lengkapi dengan pencucian mobil
BURHANUDDIN (08/02/2018 07:55)
Suasananya sangat tenang, karena area ya yg luas
tenri auliyah (12/12/2017 04:41)
pukul 11:59 saya cuci mobil, pelayanannya sangat buruk dan mengecewakan, mobil saya tidak bersih, pegawai beralasan karna ini lumpur mobil bisa tergores, tujuan saya cuci agar mobil saya bersih, seharusnya tidak ada alasan seperti itu di pencucian mobil. mengecewakan.
Adang Taruna JM (12/11/2017 06:21)
I'm a Ford driver so I'm gonna split my review seeing as Pit & Go was chosen by RMA to become Ford Authorized Services in Makassar.
* As Pit & Go, it's a 4 star... friendly employee, top facility, easy process. But,
* As Ford Authorized Services, I'm gonna give 2 star. Why ? Hear me out :
- Their Ford Emergency Roadside Assist are horrible, like when your Ford had a serious problem while on road and you need a tow, they're gonna tell their technician to call a police so they can tow your Ford the way cops tow a car that violate traffic law (lifting your Ford by it's front wheel so your suspension gonna break -_-)...oh their technician also gonna lead your Ford to other place but Pit&Go so you had to re tow your car.
- Ford Genuine Parts never ready in stock in this place (except oil Filter), so basically you need to wait a week even month for the part you're looking for is finally ready... which mean if your Ford can't run and had to stay over you're gonna had to wait that long to drive your beloved car again ( watch out for any small part of your car..they might suddenly missing )
- They don't provide any Ford's Motorcraft car care products (radiator coolant, oil, etc) so you had to use their sponsor products which probably doesn't meet the spec your Ford required.
- They triple the price charge for any Ford that need services, twice I get but this I mean 50k for changing oil filter that I brought ? I rather change it myself.
arfina ali razak (02/10/2017 08:29)
Good tapi agak mahal dibanding yg lain