Komentar :
Adil Abdillah (01/04/2018 09:25)
This one of a good café, with wide parking space, lots of tables and benches for visitors, good for groups and communities to gather.
I choose outdoor space to meet with friends, even tough you can enjoy your meal and drink in rooms with Air conditioning.
Several good options for you to have meals and coffee with affordable price. Mean it!
HyoNe27 Android (23/03/2018 04:06)
Vietnam Drip
Afnur Syam (17/03/2018 10:05)
Andi Fajar (15/11/2017 19:21)
Coffe Vietnam is good
Ifri septi mulya (11/08/2017 04:51)
Near from center of watampone, the beverages are good, the place is comfortable but full of smoking area
Nadhilah Avissa N (07/03/2017 22:45)
Enjoying a delicious food in a cozy place
jef koe (30/06/2017 23:42)
Tempatnya sdh ok tp pelayanan super lambat, pesanan kadang gak sesuai, wifi kadang gak bisa connect, gelas dan sampah sisa tamu lambat dibersihkan. Moga kedepannya pelayanan ditingkatkan.
amir rahmat (14/03/2017 05:48)
Anca Faroy (01/03/2017 00:00)
Mantap n ramai
Supriadi 462 (13/02/2017 19:07)
Bagus tuk nongkrong
Efendi Agung (11/02/2017 10:40)
Konkow bareng teman
Irda Moli (26/01/2017 13:45)
Tmpatnya cozy buat hangout bareng temen, kluarga, dan kekasih...makananya juga enak²...recomended bnget bila mengunjungi kota BONE sempatkan ke sini...
dhedee black (05/01/2017 10:31)
Nice place
herman aura (29/08/2016 11:09)
Cofee nya mantab makanannya enak abiss
Sultan Hamka (08/05/2016 11:26)
Coffee dan Suasananya sama Enaknya..
Parkir luas..