Komentar :
asri azis (04/03/2018 13:03)
Tempat ngopi
dedi kj (14/02/2018 12:33)
Mantap kopinya
andi fadhiel (30/08/2017 10:10)
Really good place to wasted your time, with very nice coffee
irfan azis (02/02/2017 15:45)
Adil Abdillah (25/12/2016 02:02)
worth place to have a light and dark hot coffee drink. sometimes it's crowded but cozy in night. good parking space and free wifi available.
Arya Nanda (22/07/2017 04:13)
Lumayan kopinya
Imran Saja (07/07/2017 05:28)
Tempat santai yang terjangkau dan aman
Fahrudi Hanafing (01/04/2017 03:17)
Kopinya Mantap
Rahwandi Ifdal (24/03/2017 10:06)
Tempatnya bagus buat nongkrong dan ngobrol. Bagi yang suka begadang sambil online ini tempat yang tepat. Kasir tutup sampai jam 12 malam. Tapi kita masih bisa duduk sampe pagi.
Supriadi 462 (09/02/2017 21:08)
Tempatnya santai
Abdillah Khomeni (25/12/2016 02:02)
worth place to have a light and dark hot coffee drink. sometimes it's crowded but cozy in night. good parking space and free wifi available.