Komentar :
Abu Zed Al-Arif (07/01/2018 11:00)
Baharuddin Bone (29/11/2017 02:04)
Slama ad gogle maps aq nga prnah nyasar
Zulfikar Azhar (26/11/2017 07:54)
Not all coto must from the central city of makassar. This one was located near the airport. It has great coto taste that you should combine with ketupat (rice cake). You can order anything or mix it. It's your turn.
Riri Kekon (21/08/2017 11:51)
Ena ena jga pallubasa nyaa 😃
achmad Fachruddin (31/03/2017 02:20)
Cotonya enak buanget...dagingnya asli lokal...potongannya gede gede...enak dikunyah