Komentar :
Randy Hartono (30/04/2018 13:37)
Is okay.. Not more
Hi Dhedy (06/04/2018 01:30)
Nice place
Brahmanto Anindito (19/03/2018 04:38)
Wifi signal was low, had serious issue on cleaness, small room, TV had four channels only (and the pictures were bad). And as those weren't disastrous enough, we experienced blackout too, couple times.
Good breakfast, though. I didn't say it was great buffet, but this is the only positive value at least from me.
mega madinah (13/03/2018 16:18)
I booked this place via airy rooms. Very recommend if you search a place for sleep near train station cause it just take 10 minute from there
Fatih Naufal (16/02/2018 04:28)
Overprice for its quality, the room is quite tidy but not maintened well. The stairs carpet is wet. The bed is broken, there’s spring coming out from the bed and it hurts my feet. The TV is so blurry fuzzy too. The room given in airy didnt match with the one i choose. The food is so damn overprice like seriously? Staff is not friendly except their room service. (+) near from the city and train station
Januar Andrian (19/12/2017 06:24)
Friendly and helpful staff
But the building and room need some reparation
bagus danang (04/12/2017 09:41)
Levi Mumpo (26/11/2017 07:40)
Mezut ozick (29/10/2017 12:58)
Naufal Firdaus (02/10/2017 04:59)
Tempatnya gelap, terkesan angker
Ac nya gabisa di atur, kamar mandi gabisa di flush dan water heater mati. Sinyal tvnya pun gaada. Mungkin diperuntukkan untuk tidur saja
dwitama putra (28/07/2017 20:26)
Wisma Sudirman Bogor. kamar kumuh, kamar mandi bau, ada malingnya juga lagi. Baru di tinggal keluar beberapa jam saja makan malam yang saya siapkan sudah hilang. Gimana kalo barang berharga yang di tinggal?
Pikir lagi kalo mau kesini.
lord jon (14/07/2017 01:05)
Muhammad Fikry (20/05/2017 18:00)
Tidak bisa dibilang hotel. Harga mahal tapi pelayanan jelek sekali. Kebersihan nya gak bagus, ac nya rusak semua, kasur bantal selimut gak nyaman. Wc nya rusak semua flusher dan air panas nya. Tv nya banyak semut. Gak puas lah pokoknya gak recommended
Restu Meidhiny (20/05/2017 18:00)
Parah bgt nih tempat. Kebersihannya gak ada, pas masuk kamar mata perih banget sampe gue pengen pindah hotel hari itu juga. Terus dibohongin bilang pake AC ternyata semacam kipas gitu trs anginnya panas banget, flusher wc mati, gada disediain apapun, cs nya yg agak kebencong2an judes banget. SUPER TIDAK RECOMENDED BANGET BUAT YG MAU NGINAP.
Rusdi Baharmi (16/02/2017 23:25)
Kurang nyaman
Arsy Latifa (23/01/2017 05:56)
Iwan Ridwan (24/12/2016 15:34)
Tempat penginapan yg cocok untuk para traveller yg transit di kota bogor, terutama yg melewati jalur jln jenderal sudirman bogor
Andri Al Azhar (19/11/2016 06:56)
tempat istirahat yang enak
Bima Rabbani (21/09/2016 03:41)
Harga mulai berapa an ..
epi priatna (19/08/2016 16:05)
Nyaman dipakai dan tidak ada komentar
budi priatno (10/03/2016 14:38)
So-so hotel