Komentar :
Mutiara Utami (29/04/2018 07:08)
Such a friendly for family villa in Puncak, Bogor, Indonesia, with a nice view
Estu Susilo (09/04/2018 00:48)
Cocok banget buat liburan backpacking, harganya terjangkau, tidak jauh dari puncak pass + ada kolam renangnya.
Aryudi - (25/01/2018 23:26)
Nice place......... Nice view..,.......,.......
for vacation.............
with family............... Or couple ............
in puncak area..,...........
Nice place for honeymoon............
vivian moesa (04/01/2018 09:56)
Need to clean the place. Lots of dust and spider web.
edLyn Rhea (25/11/2017 11:35)
They still use old style interior design applied to bathroom
Glory Mutiha Natalia (26/06/2017 09:28)
It's a good place for group. U can do many group activities, has a swimming pool, tenis and badminton court, kids playground. Plus the weather is cold. The villa is kinda disappointed. We came at 12pm and got the wisma at 4pm (we booked before). It's little bit dirty, the bathroom especially but other things worked well.
Jaberkat Purba (19/07/2017 10:13)
Close to Jalan Raya Puncak. And to Safari Zoo Park. But to reach this place, be patient, waiting on the traffic jam.
abdul muis patta (18/07/2017 18:31)
Nice place and clean rooms
Faisal ali Mahmud (23/06/2017 21:40)
Clean and good
Nasrullah - Nasrullah (23/03/2017 22:29)
Tri Hanggoro (28/02/2017 01:24)
Mountain view not good, a lot house around that place.
Faisal 77 (21/12/2016 01:52)
Waktu saya liburan bareng sama anak taekwondo macan timur (rtc).suasanya itu sejuk.terus enggak ada polusi udara.pokoknya keren deh buat di daerah bogor .tapi jangan cuman di daerah bogor.di jakarta harus di uji coba..kalo bisa.hahahahaha
Farhan Rizqullah (11/12/2016 12:04)
Its so cool in wisma industri
amin Drajat (14/07/2016 14:03)
Have a so-so room, a bit dirty swimming pool, but easy to reach there because just beside of the main road
Fahmi Hidayat (09/06/2015 11:50)
Nice villa
Cali esa (13/08/2016 03:39)
Muhamat Yaenuri (08/08/2016 18:37)
Nyaman tempatnya
Iyonk Yor (01/07/2016 05:36)
Bagus tempatnya
JEJEN. M. ZEIN (03/05/2016 07:45)
Pernah menginap bersama kel disini..
AGSAROCK 17081989 (18/01/2016 06:57)
Pelayanan Yang Memuaskan Dari Semua Staf
Ayby Management (10/09/2015 04:48)
Resort dan Hotel yang Luas di Kawasan Puncak. Support Your event Ayby Management