Komentar :
afif dwi (13/04/2018 00:53)
Tempat yg cocok untuk bersantai sejenak. Melihat alam yg luas d puncak bogor
Indra Firdaus (08/03/2018 11:03)
Good place
Vivi Riskiana (22/01/2018 05:25)
Reinhard Derru (20/05/2017 17:05)
Amel D (13/02/2017 03:37)
This place in front of Tugu. (5-10m) with cars, you paid parking 15K/cars. 10K/motorcycle. This not like cafe, just smallest shop. Mostly like Instant Mie (15k/mie), Roasted corn (15k/corn). and any drinking. Coffee (10k/cup) smoking (20-30k/brand). Tea (10k/cup) 'Bandrek/Bajigur' (15k/cup)
Aldi Dzaky (30/07/2017 02:10)
Puncak pass👌
Amelia Dirhardjo (13/02/2017 03:37)
This place in front of Tugu. (5-10m) with cars, you paid parking 15K/cars. 10K/motorcycle. This not like cafe, just smallest shop. Mostly like Instant Mie (15k/mie), Roasted corn (15k/corn). and any drinking. Coffee (10k/cup) smoking (20-30k/brand). Tea (10k/cup) 'Bandrek/Bajigur' (15k/cup)
aditia gulam (23/01/2017 13:26)
Selalu buka, letaknya persis dititik tertinggi jalan raya. Karena jika dari arah cisarua menanjak begitu sampai sini jalan menurun ke cipanas, begitu juga sebaliknya.
Harga standar, walau lebih mahal sedikit. Misal mie goreng 15 ribu, bandrek 8ribu, jagung 6ribu
Kekurangannya wc kadang tidak ada air dan tarifnya 4000