Komentar :
Christoforus Ardhito (23/05/2018 07:29)
This camp doesn't give you the best they can. I have a broken tent and they don't want to fix it. The other tents also have a bad condition, when it rains, all the water soaked to the tent and made the tent wet inside. This place also have a bad presentator with anger management
suara rakyat (08/05/2018 07:02)
Danuja Aldea Nararya (12/04/2018 14:07)
Really nice place to visit for holiday
aaf afnan (15/03/2018 06:18)
Nazeer Bosco (21/01/2018 08:20)
Awesome. A wonderful camping ground in the forest with thousand trees, waterfall, n amazing experience of off-roads sadistic track among grassy field. Once you've been there it will be enduring in mind forever in your lifetime
Handy Landy (20/01/2018 02:49)
Secluded camping ground, but easy to access by any vehicle.
Fahri Hidayat (07/12/2017 04:53)
Cozy campground surrounded by beautiful forest, beautiful mountainous scenery, good facilities, and there is a paint ball game here.
ngurah gde juan (16/12/2017 21:53)
camping groundnya gaboleh digali tapi gapapa bang roni ( yang jaga ) baik sekali li li li luas area 4 hektar
terlampir foto ikan saya
wilham kagum (17/09/2017 23:07)
Air di toiletnya dikit, yg lainnya asik.
JOE GRiYA WiRA KArYA (19/08/2017 03:07)
Nice Place and Incredible.....
Lukman Hakim (20/07/2017 10:20)
Mantaf utk out door
Nova Wulan (02/10/2016 15:25)
Nice view
SENTUL SELATAN (06/08/2016 01:18)
Jalan masuk oke
paintball puncak (04/07/2016 06:15)
Tempat Paintball yang bener bener hutan disini nihh cocok banget...
Rita Gp (04/07/2016 06:14)
Amazing Forest..
Rommy Riftian (03/07/2016 11:46)
cocok buat camping dikelilingi phon pinus membuat kesejukan yg mantap
WISATA SENTUL SELATAN (06/08/2016 01:18)
Jalan masuk oke
campas outbound (03/07/2016 06:29)
TEDDY BOGOR (03/07/2016 06:21)
hutan asli, dingin..suasana puncak bogor harusnya seperti disini