Komentar :
Pam Muji (02/10/2017 04:38)
Komplit.tapi lama antrian
Muhlisina Muhlis (20/09/2017 08:55)
Sngt membantu
Abi Helmi (03/09/2017 22:33)
Sangat membantu
Kresno Muammar Humam (23/01/2017 09:02)
It originally subsidiary of the government of the Bogor administration. But services really bad. Doctors always came late around 9am. So patients have to wait for long time. And crowd.
Mohamad Hilman Nuris (08/01/2017 05:57)
Good info
Eka Firdaus (06/08/2017 18:57)
Pelayanan nya kurang baik
iran iyank (04/05/2017 02:35)
Sangat membantu
Aan Kurniawan (03/05/2017 16:00)
Di kocek aa
wi rudy (12/03/2017 03:59)
Harus ditingkatkan pelayanannya, skr sdh bisa rawat inap.
kresno muammar (23/01/2017 09:02)
It originally subsidiary of the government of the Bogor administration. But services really bad. Doctors always came late around 9am. So patients have to wait for long time. And crowd.