Komentar :
Desinta Dewi Ramadani (06/07/2017 10:43)
I love this school
Weda Sanjaya (15/05/2017 03:31)
Great hope for our nation, come from this great boarding school...
Dicha Fernaldi (28/02/2017 04:25)
We hide money within boxes underground in that school, go find that out, but be careful, who knows it might blow someday
Indro Tampan (20/12/2016 17:29)
I build something here..
Adji Witjaksono (27/10/2016 21:28)
Great Students, Can improve structured hierarchy
Kawat Las (30/12/2016 11:07)
Sekolah ini bagus... Bisa membangun karakter bangsa