Komentar :
Adiwicaksana Inounu (26/06/2019 07:16)
Nice place to held wedding reception
Jaya Fatwa (20/02/2019 10:28)
I wish they maintain the area better, looks gloomy and not clean. I expect high standard from a research institution.
irfieldy P (10/11/2018 11:11)
Good place for wedding ceremony
Erin Florency (04/11/2018 15:05)
Easy to find, great place to book????
nurhudi muslimin (28/09/2018 23:39)
This is a great place for productive teacher to get agriculture training especcially in tissue culture and hydroponic...
Hamada Siite (24/09/2018 23:29)
Clean n fresh air.. nice for morning walking
Fahmi Amhar (19/09/2018 13:51)
Researh center for Biotropica operated by South East Asean Minister for Education Organization (SEAMEO). Nice place, but don't expect for pleasure here.
abarrul ikram (16/02/2019 06:23)
Un-maintained bad-traffic
Afrial Alminangkabawi (27/11/2017 14:26)
Nice place, familiar staff and very kind poeple there
Rosalina Anggraeni (01/10/2017 15:05)
Nice place
a setyanto (12/05/2017 00:35)
good place for wedding party and others
Ela Hasri Windari (30/04/2017 06:43)
Great air, homey atmosphere, green view, fresh water
Riko Priyatmo (06/04/2017 09:06)
Good place, good science and good people
Awan A. Rusdi (28/11/2016 12:55)
Biology tropical research station for South East Asia
Asep Iwan Gunawan (13/05/2017 12:08)
good place for wedding
Rahmad Agus Koto (17/03/2017 09:42)
Nice people with professional services...
Ali Mulyanto (21/01/2017 15:36)
Nice place
hisyam kholid (28/11/2016 16:28)
Lovely place, great air, this place just amazing for resting
haritz cahya nugraha (14/11/2016 05:26)
SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) was established in 1965 through the SEAMEO Charter signed by seven (7) South East Asia countries. The signing of the charter marked the establishment of the centres. At present there are seventeen centres and three sub-regional centres. SEAMEO BIOTROP, the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology is one of the centres.
SEAMEO BIOTROP, the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology, was established on 6 February 1968. In carrying out the mandate of Governing Board, SEAMEO BIOTROP conducted its activities emphasizing on the empowerment of human resource in Southeast Asia. The activities cover research, training, networking, and personnel exchange and information dissemination in tropical biology.
A Leading Centre in enriching and promoting the real values of tropical biology in Southeast Asia
To provide scientific knowledge and capacity building in conserving and managing tropical biology sustainably for the well-being of communities and the environment of Southeast Asia
1. Provision of science-based information to enable communities and institutions to address critical biological problems and benefit from the real values and sustainable use of the region’s tropical biological resources
2. Strengthening of individual and institutional capacities on current knowledge and good practices in tropical biology
3. Provision of equal access to synthesized information in tropical biology to enhance knowledge, practice, and policy
4. Facilitation of effective development interventions and partnerships for sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits of the region’s tropical biological resources
5. Enhancement of organizational management and efficiency towards maximized use of resources and effective service delivery to clients and partners
Program Thrusts
Our Centre activities are organized around two major program thrusts which we expect will contribute to addressing poverty and climate change concerns in the region and beyond:
Tropical Biology for Community Welfare
Tropical Biology for Environmental Integrity
ardan ramdhan (29/09/2016 08:54)
Muhammad Nabil (23/09/2016 05:51)
Fasilitas yang cukup memuaskan dan suasana tempat yang tidak terlalu panas.
afandi afandi (17/09/2016 05:53)
aulanya suka dipakai buat resepsi nikah
reza iswidiakso (07/09/2016 08:55)
Tempat nya luas,, ada laboratorium penelitian tanaman, keripik jamurnya enak bwanget
Yu Dha (26/03/2016 06:27)
Hadir k sini karena ada resepsi d gedung serbaguna...Tq :)
Gigih Satriyo (16/12/2015 12:41)
Lembaga riset yang bagus, fasilitas yang disediakan juga lengkap dan bagus ☺☺
Ahmad fachrurozy (16/12/2015 12:41)
Tempat Riset yg sangat luar biasa......thanks.
Yos Sahertian (15/08/2015 09:07)
The position is perfect
Gannys Widyaningtyas (07/09/2013 01:38)
3 hari disini :3