Komentar :
Gusrian Dellisia Abiyoso (05/05/2018 07:41)
Good value Inn
iriansyah sangadji (24/04/2018 13:31)
Good place
Kamal Kamal (30/03/2018 09:12)
Is couzy and very relaxing place.
REMIX OTOMOTIF (21/03/2018 03:09)
diggin yooooo
Anggie Pinanti (11/02/2018 03:50)
Resort bagus, konsep rumah panggung diatas air. Suasana hommy. If you want place with quite atmosfer, this is the place. You can fishing at the balcony in your villa
Oki Tambunan (24/01/2018 10:24)
It's an old resort. Without air conditioning system since the surounding air already cool. Warm water little bit troublesome. Restaurant poor. Water pool too freezy for swimming and...small.
chandra hermawan (16/05/2017 08:17)
Cool, friendly staff, nice place for relax and they have children play ground
Wahyu Din (25/07/2017 01:53)
Not bad
Dadan Milah (24/04/2017 05:42)
Air panas dari water heaternya lama angetnya, sabun cuci tangan enggak ada, tdk ada keset di depan kamar mandi. Yg lainnya oke.
Fajar Gilang Pratama (10/02/2017 00:37)
Kamarnya sangat luas, kamar mandi dan fasilitasnya lengkap, ada bathub di tipe deluxe. Ada kolam renang dan play ground. Mantap!
Melly Herawati (06/02/2017 07:29)
Not bad
Darojah 82 (07/01/2017 19:22)
Nyaman tp u tv chanel parabola blm ada,enaknya dekat tempat wisata taman safari
ahmad pahroni (07/01/2017 17:18)
Nice Place
A Google User (24/11/2016 10:09)
Next want to try bungalow, cool without ac
Yoki Kumara (18/09/2016 00:26)
Ntap lahhh
Bunabie Bun (18/07/2016 10:03)
Rencana bru mw mginap awal agustus nnti. Moga tempatnya sesuai dgan fto & tdk mgecewakan.
wallpaper dinding (17/04/2016 02:01)
Kamar nya besar & alami gak pake AC tapi dingin nya nyeees..
Saya gak pake wallpaper dingding jadi kurang mewah he he he
Suhartono Soeparwo (23/11/2015 02:20)
Nyaman, ada kolam renang, sejuk