Komentar :
Haryo Prasetyo (12/09/2020 08:03)
Dea Suzanne (22/08/2020 10:14)
Good place for shopping here
Syahdan Saepuloh (31/07/2020 16:50)
Brian Alamsyah (06/03/2020 04:03)
It give us comfort
reza aguspian (11/12/2019 13:51)
I started to visit here quite often, since they have XXI theatre and offer us with a good deal on ticket price.
Abiem Frandhito (23/11/2019 11:16)
Nice place to watch movies, shopping, and have something to eat
Ramzy Diputera (02/09/2019 09:59)
Best Shopping Mall !
Abdillah Mauludi (21/07/2017 08:24)
Same old design ramayana building, adequate parking space. But in my opinion they are sell downscale clothes.
Jeffry Tandanaki (12/11/2016 15:21)
It's Ramayana, for the middle class, there is also DCost seafood restaurant. Seafood menu, and delicious.
salfan creative (16/10/2016 20:49)
The place is great... complete product. Nice supermarket.
bram freddy17 (24/08/2017 03:42)
One of many outstanding shopping places located on Tajur street between Bogor and Ciawi, you will find this place fits your everyday needs
Karnasenanda Only (03/07/2017 15:45)
Not so crowd.. affordable play zone for kids under 7
Kurnia Horison (13/03/2017 22:35)
This place have a good view
Tim ET (10/04/2017 23:12)
Not recommended
Andi Sutriadi (02/03/2017 01:22)
Naaah blanja di sini gak perlu antri dan cukup nyaman
Dodi Nurhadi Karo-karo (12/02/2017 07:09)
Not bad
Pipit Siti Rohmah (23/01/2017 01:26)
Parkir cukup luas, harga baju relatif murah, tapi harga di Swalayan Spar cukup mahal, karena itu sepi pengunjung.
rompas Palk (06/06/2016 16:04)
Sigit Ariyanto (09/10/2016 07:27)
Perkiran luas...
Sammy Chandra (10/09/2016 14:19)
Masih sepii...
Ghusnun Khairunnisa (17/08/2016 01:34)
cocok untuk yang ingin membeli pakaian karena lengkap terdiri dari 2 lantai, dan ada d'cost jika ingin makan setelah belanja
Helon Sitepu (19/06/2016 15:03)
Lagi diskon