Komentar :
Kuncung Prayoga (24/12/2020 16:24)
Ada kasir yg belagu. Cowok.
Yuni Maulida (12/11/2020 00:49)
If possible, there is a problem with the womb, don't check it here occasionally .. Because I had a miscarriage yesterday at 5 weeks she said "it's not pregnant, it's just too late, it's not easy to curry, it's clean .. It's not easy to use it, just take a pill to bury it" and she doesn't care. gave a referral for ultrasound to the household, fortunately there was a brother who reminded me, finally I did ultrasound alone and it turned out that I was pregnant and there was still a lot of leftovers, had to be curated !!!
I suggest that if you are pregnant, just go to the midwife, don't go to this puskesmas, just for bpjs to provide services at will! Even though this involves someone's life! Please improve the service again !! Don't differentiate between those who pay the same with BPJs, the BPJs also pay, how come !!!
Felix Parihala (25/09/2020 12:34)
1. There is a special lane for wheelchair users
2. A toilet for wheelchair users is available (photo available)
3. No ATM and non-cash payments are available.
4. In my opinion, this is one of the best puskesmas in Bogor district.
5. Friendly staff.
6. During the pandemic the health protocol was in effect, and the puskesmas staff were very active and did not get tired of reminding residents to obey the health protocol.
7. The dental clinic at this puskesmas is highly recommended because doctor Taufik Hidayat is truly an expert in oral health affairs, and is very sterile.
8. Tooth extraction fee of Rp. 12,500 includes 3 types of medicine.
Thank you for the paramedic at the Jampang Puskesmas, you guys are very cool !!!!
Bang Anton (15/03/2020 07:10)
Pelayanan bagus. Tata ruang, alur layanan rawat jalan memuaskan. Walaupun ga mau sering2 dateng buat berobat. Mau nya sehat terus.
Nur Yanah (16/02/2020 04:20)
Dokternya sangat tdk ramah, jgn mentang2 yg berobat dipuskes org kurang mampu dia ngomong seenaknya aja, tlg pihak terkait diperhatikan pelayananya apalagi ugdnya parah sangat tdk ramah.
Aryana mk (08/01/2020 23:24)
pelayanan satpamnya tolong diperhatikan ya .. sangat ketus sekali menjawab pertanyaan , sesangkan saya posisi ibu membawa anak kecil . jam 6.22 hanya sekedar mau menunggu antrian malah pintu ditutup . jawaban ketus . tolong pak buk diperhatikan lagi pekerjaan disana adalah pelayanan masyarakat jadi harus tau tatakrama seperti apa biar masyarakat yg inging berobat jdi tidak trauma ..
Radz Development (06/01/2020 05:58)
Ada UGD & rawat inap, dokter nya ramah
Jimmy Wu (23/10/2019 00:58)
Puskesmas jadi tempat utk rujukan awal bpjs
mpokue riyanna kusuma wijaya (27/09/2019 05:34)
Pelayanannya bagus,bersih dan nyaman
Christophe C (21/05/2019 08:05)
Salah satu Dokter di sana sangat tidak sopan.. istri saya datang untuk berobat telinga tapi dokter terus berbicara tentang sex dan bagaimana memiliki anak. Dan mengatakan "kalau saya melihat wanita berusia 33 tahun, itu membuat saya tertarik dan ingin melakukannya terus" ini sangat tidak sopan. Dan puskesmas ini juga melakukan kesalahan dengan memberikan obat tetes mata bukan obat tetes telinga, sedangkan istri saya berobat untuk telinga bukan mata. Puskesmas ini sangat tidak direkomendasikan. Dan harus mendapat sanksi
Doctor there have very inappropriate behavior. My wife came for ear infection and he just keep talking to her about sex, about how to have children and he say “when i see a woman who's 33 years old, it makes me always want to have sex” that’s totally inappropriate. Plus this doctor make another very big mistake by giving her medics for eyes instead of ears. Strongly disrecommand this place. This doctor should be sanctioned !
Mugiwara Ari 212 (10/10/2017 11:19)
Pelayanan sangat baik, karyawan dan juga Dokternya sangat ramah.
riyanna kusuma wijaya mpokue (27/09/2019 05:34)
Pelayanannya bagus,bersih dan nyaman