Komentar :
Afiq Herdika Sulistya (13/04/2018 06:09)
One of the most productive Indonesian research center. Independent satellite manufacturer & operator. Open for educational purposes.
Mahmud Raimadoya (17/03/2018 02:12)
Micro satellite center for Indonesia
ach.chusnul chikam (11/02/2018 03:30)
Good place
Damas Wangsa (30/09/2017 09:17)
This place is the center of lapan satellite division, if you want to know more, just come here
Agung Wahyudiono (05/09/2017 08:27)
Satellite Technology Center of LAPAN, Indonesia
Imam Santoso (08/08/2017 09:44)
Hi tech place
Malcolm Tang (29/10/2017 23:02)
An eye opener!
agung wahyudiono (05/09/2017 08:27)
Satellite Technology Center of LAPAN, Indonesia
Ra Mubarok (30/06/2017 11:30)
Hayooo semangat tunjukan pada dunia bahwa teknologi kita tidak terbelakang karna ada kalian yg di pilih untuk memajukan teknologi bangsa ini.....
rahman saleh (17/05/2017 17:01)
Lucky Priambodo, SE (27/04/2017 06:51)
LAPAN @pusat Teknologi Satelit Ranca Bungur Bogor
Salah satu client #Fumigasi #Arsip kami
Alias Salan (08/04/2017 01:29)
Visit here on 8/4/2017 with orari
Wahyudi Hasbi (04/04/2017 09:28)
My Lovely Office
ekotravel travelling (21/01/2017 01:28)
garage Ekotravel
supri yatna (03/05/2016 05:54)
Salah satu tempat bersejarah teknologi satelit indonesia
Surya Pratama (25/01/2016 09:49)
Seneng bisa KP di Pusteksat Lapan
surya pratama (25/01/2016 09:49)
Seneng bisa KP di Pusteksat Lapan