Komentar :
Zaenal Vsc (30/09/2018 03:50)
Yuniar Niar (05/06/2018 15:42)
Pelayanannya cepat
Medi Mustaqim (25/02/2018 09:35)
Hajis S (19/01/2018 14:37)
Sukses selalu Ndan
Dede Solihin (21/08/2017 06:50)
Alexander Aziria (22/02/2017 06:31)
This is the police station in Ciampea regency.
Situated about 1 km away from the main street on the left hand side if you come from Bogor.
The police station serves all society needs in the regency.
Good luck police men!!!
Gb Jkt (25/01/2017 07:39)
Herman Supratman (23/11/2017 08:40)
Dekat dengan upt puskesmas ciampea, dekat lapangan bola juga
hariz suhud (21/05/2017 22:22)
The Wrong Pin Location (Salahhhh Brooo Titik Lokasi Nya) hehehehe Bisa Baca Map (Peta) gak sih yang Posting? "HATI-HATI BIKIN BANYAK ORANG NYASAR" (Make People Come and Lost Adress Actualy) Please Change the True Location.
rahman saleh (17/05/2017 17:00)
Lumayan playanan nya
Arini Albukhori (14/04/2017 16:51)
Tolong di tutup, itu alamat titik lokasi nya salah, ulah oknum yg tidak bertanggung jawab
Dewi Sri Susanti (14/04/2017 13:54)
Tempat y salah bukan di budi agung bnyk yg jail tlong d tutup permanen
ipan aditia (07/03/2017 00:02)
xabie anward (04/03/2017 00:41)
Siap 86
Edi Nata Wangsa Putra (26/08/2016 23:10)
Kantor polisi sektor kecamatan ciampea
Priyadi Yadi (23/11/2016 03:40)
Cepat ,ramah pelayanan ya
DQ SERVICE AC no tlp 085813969394-088213600248 (07/07/2016 07:04)