Komentar :
Os P (10/06/2018 11:41)
Gotta remove all toiletries before entering the national park. Better not bringing them in the first place cos they wont give them back to you
Faris Subekti (17/05/2018 11:48)
Untuk kaum berberat badan. Mohon sampai titik ini aja karena kalo naik lagi bisa gelinding
Deni Sahroni (14/05/2018 11:53)
Yanuar Adi Saputra (17/03/2018 06:23)
Caused awesome
Arief R Ramadhan (21/02/2018 01:10)
The best camp, really organized, you have to sign up online to get access to Gunung Gede.
Wieke Widyaningrun (29/01/2018 14:03)
Nice place
Jhidhor Setaraman (01/10/2017 09:11)
Need permit to entri Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, to climb the mountain. Permit must minimum 1 week before climbing. But did'n need permit if just climb until Curug Cibeureum
Wisnu Wardhana (26/02/2017 08:27)
One of the exciting activities in Cipanas is fun hiking to Cibereum waterfall.
It is located just beside the exit gate of the famous Cibodas Botanical park.
A short briefing from local guide on what is allowed and what not to do during the trip will start our journey.
From the beginning to the end of the trip we will enjoy views of the tropical forest on either side.
The knowledgeable guide who accompanied us on the trip will also explain the types of forest plant species we encounter
with his characteristic and its usefulness for us.
Sometimes if we are lucky, we will meet up with a bunch of Owa Jawa monkeys that were hanging on the tree looking for fruit woods.
At the end of the trip, waterfall gurgling sound will sound faint, ever more clearly audible.
Although some of us are reluctant to wet, but once we saw the fresh and clear waterfalls, she will tempt us to just dip a toe
or even let her flushed our head and body.
Exhausting trip was paid off with a cold feel and the abundance of waterfall. So do not forget to bring your extra Tshirt for change.
Bahasa Indonesia:
Perjalanan dari pintu gerbang Taman Nasional Gn Gede Pangrango akan diawali dengan briefing singkat oleh guide yang akan menemani dan menjelaskan beragam pohon hutan tropis.
Jika beruntung, kita bisa bertemu dengan kawanan Owa Jawa yang bergelantungan mencari buah.
Menjelang akhir perjalanan, suara gemericik air terjun menepis kelelahan yang mendera. Dan saat bermain air terjun adalah obat manjur pelepas kelelahan. Meskipun yang tadinya hanya bermaksud untuk sekedar mencelupkan kaki, tetapi godaan untuk menggerujuk air yang terasa sangat sejuk begitu besar. Jadi jangan lupa membawa baju ganti ya.
Ariawan Ariawan (09/10/2017 09:21)
Tdk ada himbauan / penyuluhan sedikit ke tiap pengunjung yg ingin start msk, krn msh byk yg ga worry bahwa itu msh kawasan hutan lindung
Adis Renaldy (15/07/2017 22:31)
sofyan eyanks (23/05/2017 12:02)
Tempat asyik u merefresh pikiran...
Sigit Budi Priyono (21/05/2017 08:04)
Tujuan yang menarik untuk berlibur ke alam pegunungan yg Segar.
Solihin M (08/05/2017 20:18)
Ditempat ini semua perlengkapan pendaki dicheck sebelum menaiki Gunung Gede Pangrango
Bambang Ruswanto (28/04/2017 02:10)
Its good tracking for newbie like me..