Komentar :
Ande Andreas (07/12/2020 07:49)
During the Pandemic there was no relief, and I was chasing losses ...
K D. Avi (15/10/2020 05:09)
The tone of speech and speech of the teller towards customers is bad. It does not make the service comfortable, customers can turn away.
meidy ichwan (26/09/2020 02:06)
The management is very stiff, during this pandemic, customers should be given convenience and good service, so customers don't need to go back and forth, after paying a fine, BPKB should be processed for collection on the same day, the period must wait 3 more working days and have to return to the auto office , imagine if the house is far away. ... just input and suggestions .. hopefully it can be an improvement in terms of service and convenience. thanks
Saipulhotami Hotami (21/05/2020 05:03)
Saya pribadi bingung surat kontrak nya tdk ada .wktu itu sy cuma di kasi no kontrak nya j lewat via whatsapp di tambah setiap pembayaran di struk tdk tertera angsuran ke 1 2 3 & seterus nya jadi sy hanya ingin memberikn msukan ke oto kedepan nya di perbaiki kekurangan nya
Raden Dede Somantri (04/05/2020 07:02)
Buruk sekali, sy anak nya nasabah, d otto finance, bapak sy telh meninggal dunia otomatis untuk meneruskan cicilan mtr nya sy sendiri, kemaren bulan april tanggal 8 sy mengajukan pengajuan, prnangguhan kridit mtr
Irpan Septian (21/04/2020 03:59)
No oto kenapa tidak bisa di hubungin ya,
Rian Nopiyana (12/03/2020 02:38)
BPKB langsung diserahin top
Tedi Ansyah (31/07/2019 04:11)
Pelayanan buruk, teller nya ga ramah ga bisa melayani dengan baik
Yudie Wahyudie (24/03/2019 13:09)
Bagus pelayanan baik,,
Pria Dinalmuttaqin (05/03/2019 19:50)