Komentar :
Adi Setiya (21/04/2018 12:44)
The mosque is easy to access and they provide larger parking area so that the visitors can park their cars when Katulampa' parking are full. It is not too far from katulampa bridge. Inside is clean and spacious. Sadly, there is no special wudhu area for women. Furthermore, they state that "no bath and clean up here, just wudhu" :((
arur fakhrur (16/12/2017 05:22)
Masjid yg sudah berdiri sejak 1976
habib afiq cahyanto (14/07/2017 11:17)
Masjidnya disebelah saluran irigasi katulampa, sayang tidak ada pemisahan toilet pria dan wanita...
muhammad Sugio (15/05/2017 18:54)
Berdoalah dimasjid ini doa akan segera di kabulkan ALLAH amin amin ya robbal alamin