Komentar :
fauzi ramadhan (09/03/2018 15:25)
small but good place. price is reasonable
Eiffel Paris (21/01/2018 19:42)
Best Lapis Talas Bogor. This is the original, it's taste good. It's nice to eat it after freeze or when it's cold. I love it.
MJ Oxtaverdi (06/01/2018 08:07)
One stop shopping for uniquely gifts from Bogor. Ranging from cake, biscuits, ice cream, souvenirs and other snacks are available here.
The shop located in "a new access of Bogor" right before entering the toll road to Jakarta or Sukabumi or Sentul surrounding.
The ambience is comfy with a lot of salesgirl and two cashiers. In short, it's a great spot for gifts and souvenirs.
Nana Andriana (21/12/2017 09:48)
Cheap lapis cake but they don't have all flavour available
Faradila Danasworo Putri (14/10/2017 04:14)
The official place to buy Lapis Bogor Sangkuriang (LBS), a delicious soft cake with cheese or chocolate topping originated from Bogor. Many flavours of the cake are served here. There is also many other local food and Bogor's souvenir for "oleh-oleh" or gifts available here. The employee are very helpful. There is also a fast lane outside the store to buy LBS if you want to avoid the queue. Easily accesible and noticeable from the street.
shazzan nindya (02/10/2017 07:04)
There is available many kinds of lapis talas cake with some flavor variants, and also the other souvenirs typical of Bogor. But for now the way to get there is a litttle jammed, because there is workmanship of the road.
sonnyde snydez (20/11/2017 23:54)
the well known lapis bogor. comes with variety of topping
Agung Nugroho (30/10/2017 11:27)
Great cake
Oesman Oesman (15/09/2017 18:00)
Ahmad Yani (13/09/2017 09:47)
Pumpun Nizzi (18/08/2017 02:25)
Lapis talasnya enak dan berkualitas. Brownies nya juga. Brownies nya enak, rasanya pas tidak terlalu manis dan tidak terlalu pahit. Harganya pas dan pantas untuk dibawa sebagai oleh oleh saat mengunjungi saudara.
Aday Aday (30/07/2017 09:37)
Ferry Yudhistira (19/06/2017 06:19)
Mudah dijangkau & tempat strategis
Fathur Rohman (18/06/2017 01:49)
Yang best seller yang Original Keju. Adanya pagi aja. Kalau siang dikit dijamin ga kebagian.
wahyu hidayat (16/06/2017 17:03)
Gb Jkt (07/05/2017 10:39)
Muhamad Sapna (01/05/2017 01:04)
Titik palsu
Gb Jkr (29/04/2017 14:02)
Tempat nya bersih enak
Kapten Yop (28/04/2017 06:41)
Pindahin tuh ttik
Saputra Karya (24/04/2017 16:18)
Bukan disini titik nya