Komentar :
Wilanda Pattiasina (03/11/2018 09:27)
Best place for having fun, enjoy the wild nature. You can go tracking to Pangrango Mount approximately 2 hours one way (about 4 hours for round).
Highest view point, good place for school or anyone who plan do camping or all outdoor activity. Complete facilities. Swim pool, Cloudy Pool (for games), 4 field for camp or play.
Note : Be careful if you go there by your car, you have to pass a rough and difficult track (one way, can pass only by one car).
Muhammad Rakha14 (25/07/2018 03:18)
Hilman Agung (01/07/2018 17:34)
Nice bowling spot
Astuti Purwaningsih (03/05/2018 10:14)
Luas, fasilitas baik
Amalia Arisandi (09/03/2018 02:55)
beautiful night view..city lights down below with moon and starlights above, but make sure you take the right vehicle to fight the track..with high ground clearance 👌
Dinda cahya Karnia (11/11/2017 06:01)
A lot of fresh air, and so far from dush of car/motorcycle.
Mulyadi Rio (24/02/2017 09:20)
Always want to comeback here.... the view is really nice
Raja Aqila (05/11/2016 17:18)
A nice view... I LOVE INDONESIA
Justin Darwis (14/09/2016 22:38)
A Great Place For Training
dinda cahya karnia (11/11/2017 06:01)
A lot of fresh air, and so far from dush of car/motorcycle.
Jajat Grab (06/05/2017 15:21)
Vreaks D'jacooby (28/03/2017 15:10)
tempatnya asik untuk camp, tapi tidak se-asik camp cibodas, disini akses nya cukup sulit, wisata nya juga kurang banyak, mungkin cocoknya untuk perkemahan sekolah.
ada kolam renang, tapi kecil.
Nain Tri (13/02/2017 14:23)
Pemandangan bagus, cocok untuk camping. Sayangnya makanan terlalu biasa. Listrik juga bukan dari PLN.
Ilham Mutaqin (22/12/2016 12:17)