Komentar :
Amran Maxi (29/05/2018 09:17)
ini udah tutup, tapi masih dipasang aja di maps
Iqbal Maesa Febriawan (29/11/2017 09:56)
Despite being a narrow place, it is another hidden gem for coffee enthusiast. The place serves manual brew and espresso-based menu. A signature dish called Bomber Coffee should be tried for a sake of curiosity. The cafe also dishes up non-coffee beverages and quick bites. Price is also pretty affordable so it is worth a shot.
izot indra dewa (29/08/2017 11:31)
Cozy place, great coffee
Yhuda Yellow (16/08/2017 15:27)
Budi Santoso (12/08/2017 12:58)
nice for having a cup of coffee and viewing the traffic of Bogor ... love it! 💛
Fabian Taufik (14/04/2017 08:11)
Nice place, comfort, private
nafisah nadia (09/06/2017 12:19)
Abang surabinya serem , ga ada senyum, surabinya kurang mateng, sorry :)
Indra Cipta (07/06/2017 12:28)
Tempatnya cozy .. asik buat Nongkrong rame2... apalagi Nobar atau bahkan reunian
Wendy hafitsah (01/05/2017 06:40)
Tempat nongkrong yg asik
rohman 86 (09/04/2017 07:32)
Mntep sambil santai
ddew sid (03/03/2017 11:12)
Tempat ngopi baru di bogor. Lokasi strategis di jalan utama jendral sudirman, dekat air mancur bogor. TOP deh
Wiwik Widyanarko (02/03/2017 12:43)
Tempat ngopi asyik di lokasi strategis Bogor kota.