Komentar :
Kirpalani Herman (08/05/2018 01:32)
Adi Setiya (15/04/2018 08:59)
Place is good, large, with lots of counter. This place also serve several services eg payment point, money transfer, customer service counter, and others. They also provide Pick Up services too, with no minimum order and minimum payment. Contact the info in my photos.
Abuy Ambi (19/03/2018 14:39)
Arien Pinnata (14/08/2017 21:41)
It is the main post office of Bogor. Most of the services are available there...
SOBAT_SUCI ORG. (14/06/2017 06:30)
Historical building. Prevously a church in late 1800s to early 1900s.
The safety of its users crossing the street (Jl. Ir. Jusnd) is the most problem recently.
Muhammad Rizki Prawiraatmadja (14/01/2017 17:44)
The Main Branch of Indonesia Post Office (Kantor Pos Indonesia) in Bogor. You can do many postal service like sending postcard, sending package, plus the Postal Banking Service are there too.
FX Budi Widyatmoko (24/12/2016 01:28)
Bogor post office. You can buy stamp for your collection. Equipped with a convenience store.
Muhammad Dendi Hendrawan (14/08/2017 17:38)
Rizky Maulana (14/01/2017 15:43)
deny zafa (29/12/2016 04:03)
Legenda dan ikon pengiriman surat, paket, wesel, prangko, materai, tabanas dll. Jika tdk segera berinovasi bakal jadi cerita sejarah nih Kantor Pos...
Rizki Alisaptamarza (29/11/2015 17:03)
Great mail services
Mas Maksum (23/09/2016 23:51)
Tetep ramai euy....parkirannya gak cukup sampai bludak keluar. Eh parkir sepeda motor di dalam kantor pos bukan 2ribu, tp 5ribu, katanya udah ada perdanya. Walaupun layanan surat menyurat lewat pos sudah berkurang, tapi pos pusat kota bogor ini selalu ramai.
Edi Nata Wangsa Putra (23/08/2016 04:09)
Kantor Pos Pusat kota bogor, tersedia aneka barang-barang pos, pengiriman paket dan surat serta pembayaran tagihan... kantornya masih menggunakan gedung khas belanda
Andang Deceria Jaya (24/03/2016 09:54)
paket saya belom dateng2 udah 5 harian lebih padahal kirimnya pake yang khusus -_-
Yu Dha (13/03/2016 12:28)
Kantor Pusat POS di Bogor...menjual segala macam barang Filateli....Tq:)
Maslihah Hasan (10/01/2016 15:44)
Isa Mujahid Islam (25/11/2015 11:51)
Kantor Pos Pusat di Bogor. Besar kantornya. Bangunannya masih mempertahankan arsitektur Belanda. Pelayanannya relatif cepat