Komentar :
Eduard Suwandi (06/05/2018 12:05)
Eko Prasetyo (17/03/2018 10:59)
batu aseupan...masihh perapihan
Bobi R (04/01/2018 09:45)
You can see Bogor and Jakarta city from this place. Beautiful light of bogor and jakarta city at the night is really beautiful
Radith Rafiazka (31/12/2017 01:43)
suasana tenang..udara bersih dan sejuk...view kereeen abis
Muhammad Maesa (27/11/2017 16:52)
Mantap untuk yg ingin liburan sm keluarga... recommended bgt semua2’nya...
sujasmar sujasmar (27/11/2017 15:31)
JustFree Camping Ground