Komentar :
ike rusmiati (31/03/2018 02:12)
great place to relaxing and escape from your everyday hectic.i went when the way under construction because of erotion.anyway,that place has a very beautiful view to release your everyday stress.
Mirza Abdillah (23/01/2018 06:01)
A place to enjoy flying high while watching Jakarta from above
Gusti Wahyudi (22/01/2018 16:10)
First time to try tandem paragliding. Great experience. Surely will try again next time
David Chandrawinata (13/01/2018 04:46)
It cost 450.000 to do paralayang for about 7 minutes air time. Flying fox is 30.000. Beautiful view, you may walk around the tea garden, fresh cool air.
Theo Liow (02/09/2017 08:02)
Really amazing experience with the paragliding. Awesome view from above the grounds. But, lack of parking space and bad road.
Fredrick Yap (05/09/2017 05:27)
Weight limot at 90 kg. Price per person is at 350k
And additional transportation of 40k for return
Sujeet Sharda (27/08/2017 05:55)
Good place for paragliding near Jakarta.. Approach road/steps need some attention though
Talal AlYaqoubi (07/06/2017 11:16)
I love it too much
Sp Style (05/06/2017 09:36)
It had awesome views even you don't do paragliding, trainers are good and considerable, but be careful, you have to sign a paper not to claim if there is any incidents 😂😂, means no insurance!!!!!
Thalib Aj (30/04/2017 02:00)
The best view in puncak
Jaka Tri Yana (28/04/2017 17:29)
Paralayang (bahasa Inggris: paragliding) adalah olahraga terbang bebas dengan menggunakan sayap kain (parasut) yang lepas landas dengan kaki untuk tujuan rekreasi atau kompetisi. Induk organisasinya adalah PLGI (Persatuan Layang Gantung Indonsia), sedangkan PLGI sendiri dibawah naungan FASI (Federasi Aero Sport Indonesia)
Olahraga paralayang lepas landas dari sebuah lereng bukit atau gunung dengan memanfaatkan angin. Angin yang dipergunakan sebagai sumber daya angkat yang menyebabkan parasut ini melayang tinggi di angkasa terdiri dari dua macam yaitu, angin naik yang menabrak lereng (dynamic lift) dan angin naik yang disebabkan karena thermal (thermal lift). Dengan memanfaatkan kedua sumber itu maka penerbang dapat terbang sangat tinggi dan mencapai jarak yang jauh. Yang menarik adalah bahwa semua yang dilakukan itu tanpa menggunakan mesin, hanya semata-mata memanfaatkan angin.[1]
Mohamad Khaidir (23/02/2017 02:51)
See City From The Mount, Clean Air, Amazing Place..
Amelia Dirhardjo (10/02/2017 11:44)
OMG this good-list destination. You can see over-all cities from this high. Enjoy the games, flying to the planations. And so many high, so you must extrapower to be here. Dont to eat in some seller, like traditional shops. So expensive-paids. FYI, this game out of paid limitedly. You can pay IDR 350K or more (Negotiable)/Person, one day before (Weekend). So i should you choose packaging from Hotels/Motels.
Adi Hadrian (10/01/2017 11:41)
See cities from above, and if you are brave enough, jump with parachute :)
Fay Mursalam (09/11/2016 08:43)
Great view from here
Wisma Pakuan facebook.com/hotelwismapakuan/info (08/09/2016 11:17)
Extreme sport for those who got good heart and GUTZ!!! :-D :-D :-D
andi irawan (22/09/2016 11:30)
Good view
reski Abuchaer (17/09/2016 13:23)
Indra Bangsawan Sangadji (06/08/2016 02:27)
Nice view
Isnanto Nanang (04/06/2016 03:23)
Benny Desto Setiawan (28/05/2016 10:41)
Well done pak lilik
Renzu Almelo (27/03/2016 03:04)
Enak buat santai
nixon ray (14/03/2016 23:15)
Beautiful flying site
Hambuko Eko Wibisono (24/01/2016 14:14)
enak tempatnya