Komentar :
Angelini Sollistifani (07/04/2018 07:52)
Tempatny bersih dan luas, mushollanya bersih banget. Somehow berasa kaya masuk ke wilayah sekolah di desa-desa gitu pas masuk ke dalem.
Hendri Bahar (20/03/2018 02:18)
Comfortable for all of activities
putut purwandono (03/03/2018 11:27)
Old, but peaceful
Arief Imam Santoso (15/02/2018 09:12)
The facility has a quite new building I think. The meeting room is not that big and also the fcility itself is not that big. But it can be a change of scenery from the usual meeting room at the hotel
Rully Astuti (14/01/2018 07:54)
heidi retnoningtyas (21/11/2017 12:20)
Very satisfied with the meeting service! It has two meeting rooms with wide window and outside view, thus we didn't get bored during the meeting. Lunch (and maybe dinner) is served at the restaurant that also have outdoor tables. Price for the meeting package is very afforfable.
pebi purwo suseno (22/06/2017 13:22)
Good place for meeting
Agus Supriono (01/06/2017 11:08)
ika wahyu (08/03/2017 20:24)
Merupakan area terintegrasi untuk penelitian, pengembangan dan komersialisasi produk pertanian tropika dan biosains yang diresmikan pada Dies Natalis IPB ke 53. Produk komersial hasil penelitian IPB terdapat disini.
Gb Jkt (14/01/2017 13:15)
Jon Budi Prayogo (17/11/2016 22:37)
The greatest
ipon rina (09/09/2016 06:30)
shalati febjislami (30/08/2016 16:59)
Pusat perkantoran beberapa Bisnis IPB seperti IPB Press, Serambi Botani, BLST dll. Lokasi cukup strategis di dekat Taman Kencana dan tidak jauh dari pusat Kota Bogor, stasiun kereta dan terminal bis. Suasana nya cukup asri, tempat parkir luas dan tersedia sarana ibadah (mushola) untuk memfasilitasi staff maupun tamu yang datang berkunjung. Keamanan cukup terjaga karena di setiap pintu masuk terdapat pos security dan security yang menjaga.
unang ridwan (04/06/2016 13:14)
Good place for Business