Komentar :
James Tan (10/05/2018 09:01)
Really a cool place to visit if u would like to learn short course for making batik tulis or batik cap. And... Its QUITE CHEAP. only 100k each. And u can bring home ur result. Suggestion instead batik cap u shoul try the traditional batik tulis course.
Sutrisno Halim (19/04/2018 09:43)
Nice place to find original Batik Bogor
Sarniki Grab (07/11/2017 08:23)
Tempt ini strategis,tpi sayang titik mapnya tdk sesuai dengan lokasinya.ada aja orng yg jahil
Andhika Dika (24/08/2017 22:51)
Batik khas bogor
Super Ridho (02/06/2017 12:29)
Batik nya bagus
Muhamad Yusuf (04/03/2017 12:12)
A place to learn how to make batik. Tempat belajar membuat batik. Cocok untuk pemula.
Alexander Aziria (22/11/2016 05:35)
Recommended place for traditional batik workshop in Bogor. It's another education destination managed by a local business woman, Mrs. Sri Ratna Handayani.
Prabowo Bowo (26/07/2017 07:19)
Banyak pilihannya. Good
vinza prahadian (28/02/2017 16:18)
Bagus" batiknya banyak pilihan
Erik Haryadi (20/02/2017 17:03)
Batiknya lumayan bagus
Gb Jkt (21/01/2017 23:52)