Komentar :
Michael Liparissa (03/04/2018 09:57)
Terlalu banyak pungutan liar saat berkunjung
Eddy Setiawan (31/03/2018 05:08)
Very crowded if close to Ceng Beng day
hhh (26/02/2018 08:15)
Chinese cemetery, hard to get there in the rituals day.. Small road
Jepri Surono (04/02/2018 01:57)
TPU Kristen
Gandhi Ferdinand (11/04/2017 13:43)
Pay attention to the maintenance fee if you have a funeral here. If you visit, don't forget to prepare some money as some locals (even little kids) are ready to 'hunt' you for 'tipping before leaving'...
Ary Alex (15/12/2016 23:34)
Cemetary in Bogor for Non-Moslem. Future Home
Muhamad Riyadi (15/11/2017 03:53)
yoan simbolon (25/10/2017 11:40)
achmad awanda (04/10/2017 10:27)
Gb Jkt (19/05/2017 20:12)
Ari Wisafari (21/03/2017 12:18)
Daerah ini umumnya tempat pemakaman cina dan msh ada masyarakat yg tinggal di tengah2 pekuburan tsb
Alfi Dwi Hardiansyah (23/12/2016 09:50)
Aman dari kemacetan
edih mulyadi (03/12/2016 13:36)
Real estate for rest in peace
Rhamdani Sanjaya (23/09/2016 14:32)
VRTour 360 (27/06/2016 09:18)
Desert of death