Komentar :
Jion Kant (23/05/2018 15:26)
Very cheap resto with quiet nice taste
Vinisa Putri (10/05/2018 16:39)
i really like the chicken. good price too
Abdul Jabbar (08/03/2018 04:00)
Best FriedChicken in Dramaga with Delicious taste and low price
Aisya Leonardo (16/02/2018 10:28)
Good taste, but not really good place, bising soalnya
Yulita Alpiani (30/01/2018 21:08)
Cheaper restaurants of fast food
eko aspriyono (13/01/2018 14:21)
Average taste, but considerably low price. Nice view at the 2nd floor but too high for kids and no glass window
Andrie Priandiri (21/11/2017 16:42)
For students, this is the best chicken restaurant.
The chicken's taste is good and cheap!
Sometimes it's have a long queue.
ichsan hardyanto (21/10/2017 13:38)
Delicious and cheap
Marchia Putri (15/10/2017 23:20)
The lighting is very low but the food is cheap and delicious enough.
Agung Wibowo (26/08/2017 00:31)
Fast food and Tea House
Daniel Saputra (23/08/2017 15:56)
chicken i suka
Gb Jkt (16/07/2017 02:48)
Tempat makan dan nongkrong lumayan rame. Kerjasama dengan delivery online dong. Grabfood, bebas ongkos kirim
Satria Utama (05/07/2017 12:41)
murah,enak, deket.
angga ocktora (02/07/2017 02:50)
Irvan Herviansyah (23/05/2017 22:20)
Ayam paling enak dan murah di sekitar kampus IPB Dramaga. Wifi-id nya cepet banget. Lantai 2 nya cukup nyaman untuk nongkrong lama-lama.
nida yani (11/04/2017 22:19)
Tempat friend chicken untuk mahasiswa dengan harga terjangkau. Bisa makan ditempat dan take away. Sering dipesan untuk acara seminar dan lokasi strategis dekat pinggir jalan
Ibnu Nurul Furqon (07/04/2017 18:22)
Murah meriah
Helon Sitepu (02/04/2017 01:29)
Murah meriah.. jam 8 udah siap2 buka
Ririn Ambar (28/03/2017 15:24)
Resto chicken ala ala mahasiswa. Murah meriah
xabie anward (26/03/2017 01:40)
Paketnya luarbiasa👍murah muriah , tapi sayang lokasi parkirnya agak sdkit susah krna sempit .
annisa nurul Koesmarini (02/01/2017 06:51)
Harga murah, rasa Ok, tempat nyaman, kesini yuk..😀
Indra Thamrin (29/12/2016 05:49)
Tempat nongkrong paling cozy di IPB Dramaga! :)