Komentar :
Haekal Prabowo (01/06/2018 23:49)
It used to be a strategic mall. But its empty now and have no visitor due to lack of facilities and attraction.
Wulan Dari (09/04/2018 00:04)
still a good place to shop, not as crowded as other Matahari shop. still have a lot of size options.
dewi kartika Adrianti (11/03/2018 11:17)
For those who like peaceful place to shop,, or buy clothes this is the nicest place,
agustinik46 (21/12/2017 10:23)
Not bad, there are matahari department store, kids game play and restaurant.
Anton Setiawan (23/10/2017 05:10)
I think it's a nice and cozy place
Silvia Lestari Setiasa (22/08/2017 03:35)
The mall does not have many tenants or visitor, they have Matahari Department store here. Its also quite a good place to entertain your kids because it have a play zone that is cheap, incomplete but cheap play zone
Komet Multazam (28/12/2017 06:17)
Tata letak tempat ini kurang asyik. Musala di lantai atas yang susah dijangkau, kamar cuma ada di lantai satu dekat parkir. Minim tempat makan (mungkin karena sepi pengunjung). Saya ke sini karena ada Matahari. Karena sepi, jadi malah nyaman belanja.
Heninggar Septiantri (28/12/2017 02:24)
ke sini seringnya karena ke mushalanya yang enak, karena terpisah laki dan perempuan (termasuk toiletnya) :D selain itu paling ke matahari aja.
Agustinus Tri Aryanto (21/12/2017 10:23)
Not bad, there are matahari department store, kids game play and restaurant.
Fahmi Abdillah (06/10/2017 03:30)
Mas Bigil (13/09/2017 02:22)
Anas Alkaisan (19/08/2017 00:04)
Ok good
Pipin Permadi (18/08/2017 06:50)
Relatively small but comfortable
Muhamad Rizki Akbari (20/07/2017 08:10)
Yuli Priyono (19/07/2017 10:10)
Eka Lestari (18/07/2017 12:46)
alesha naunau (06/06/2017 04:32)
Ardie Die (15/05/2017 10:40)
Gb Jkt (08/02/2017 15:47)