Komentar :
Dicky Hermawan (16/05/2018 04:11)
Try to no selfie
Cindar Chaliq (15/05/2018 01:41)
Ckeaned area and easy to reach
Liter Nusa (08/05/2018 22:55)
It is not a real lake.... located on the way to waterfall ciebereum at Gunung Gede area
Tedi Lesmana (07/05/2018 06:58)
Enjoy the tracking. You fill feel the clean air
Agung Hadiyanto (04/05/2018 05:33)
Good place for trekking, stone path and good for beginner
Lamborghini Veneno (18/04/2018 05:11)
Beautiful place
dajjal al kepret (17/04/2018 15:03)
Beautiful places
Dalila Zaky Alifa (02/01/2018 15:50)
Fantastic place
Rochmad Setyadi (16/06/2017 10:44)
It's getting popular for people to try trail running style
Toh (01/05/2017 04:24)
Best time to visit is in between 8am to 9am when the sun light reflection onto the water surface. You will be able to see the blue color lake.
Need to trak a lot og big step staircase before you reach Talaga Biru and Airpanas (Hotspring)
Lukas I Nyoman Yesaya Cavin Oemint (10/03/2017 01:27)
An amazing adventure, ease your mind, and very relaxing
Nofitri Sinurat (25/10/2017 04:00)
Good place
Mizuki Chika (29/07/2017 13:25)
Good place to relax
andi nursaiful (04/07/2017 18:51)
Misterious beauty
Toh Sing Yoong (01/05/2017 03:37)
Best time to be here is 8am to 9am. Reflection of the sunlight to the talaga biru make the lake look gorgeous you should be here.
Amirullah Ibnu Madi (15/12/2016 12:44)
Quick escape from Jakarta
Nora Awi (09/12/2016 16:30)
Nice place in tngp
Nyoman Sandi (27/11/2016 10:12)
The first resting post when climbing to mt gede via cibodas
surya imansyah (03/08/2016 23:25)
A little lake at Mount Gede.. It's conservation area..
Adep Muhidin (17/09/2013 01:38)
dedi kurnia (17/07/2016 23:22)
Kurang rapih
Kunto Widiarto (16/05/2016 14:17)
Biasa saja. Lebih dipergunakan sebagai pos istirahat para pendaki gn. Gede
Tri Jati (07/05/2016 00:29)
Bagus juga untuk refreshing.
wildan waliyuddin (04/04/2016 23:58)
Telaga biru ini terletak di area TNGGP (Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango). Indah, tapi bukan kolam renang.
Hart TakAda (10/08/2015 04:47)
Ngak ada apa2-nya
arnold dus (21/06/2013 05:13)
Wisata 1