Komentar :
Daryono Darso (17/05/2018 00:02)
Cofee aceh, sedap
FX Budi Widyatmoko (21/03/2018 12:29)
Tempat bagus untuk ngopi sambil cukur. Persis disamping area parkir motor. Di dalam kompleks mall.
San Han (26/10/2017 10:17)
Sadrach Eben Ezer (18/08/2017 10:26)
Good place for haircut, but not for hang out.
William Rhomania (28/03/2017 06:02)
Recomended coffeeshop & barber
Arsyad Pramono (23/01/2017 14:56)
The place its so nice! They serve the customer very kind and they had a lovely bar that can eat and drink a coffee. And they can cut my hair very clean and nice too! I think you have to go there really soon!!!
Jaya dharwiniar cipta (02/07/2017 13:38)
Suasana OK, hasil cukuran OK, harga moderat... fasilitas free wifi n playstation :-)
Sambil nunggu antrian bisa ngopi or makan soalnya ada cafenya.
Erik Kusdiansyah (21/03/2017 12:48)
Tempat coffee yg asik
Muchamad Sambas (23/01/2017 04:50)
tempatnya keren. bisa potong rambut juga lagi follow @sambasbogor