Komentar :
Rama Farid Nugroho (28/04/2018 14:30)
Such a perfect place to sneak around from my 5 to 5 daily routine. Not just chilled out n released all the heat, the anger, and the tention level behind yesterdays but also a learning ground which give me strength to keep on walking and stand strong again as a person, part of a whole, with my shared in its purpose, in this ground I took roots and growth, not death but alive to my self, family and to others
Salim Zindan (26/03/2018 04:19)
Annisa Citra Maharani (02/04/2017 08:18)
Fresh air, nice place
Sirojul Munir (19/03/2017 10:18)
Tempat yang sejuk dan ramah lingkungannya
Frieslana Surya (29/11/2016 15:15)
Ketuanya sangat ramah untuk sharing ilmu perikanan