Komentar :
Fitri Indriani (19/09/2018 11:35)
Good place for wedding reception
Wahyudin Yusuf (09/09/2018 16:03)
Good location but its so difficult to find out name sign from the road.
Okit Yohan (26/08/2018 00:57)
Right infront of presidential palace with garden view. Not many parking lot available.
mia kurniasih (23/05/2018 07:05)
Nice place
FX Budi Widyatmoko (05/05/2018 04:13)
Good place for meeting, family gathering, wedding. Place is not spacious for a hundred guests. The place is strategic place. Easy to find. Spacious car and motor cycle parking. Can be reach by commuter line around 500 meters from Bogor Station.
Adhitya Wibawa Putra (08/04/2018 09:47)
tempatnya strategis dan bagus
holikul muttaqin (05/04/2018 22:25)
durgandana (18/03/2018 03:32)
Small Places but strategic location near Bogor Stasiun and Kebun Raya Bogor. car pool are bigger and you can find a mosque behind the building.
Zaenudin Zae (19/11/2017 23:56)
Irzal Adiakurnia (15/08/2017 16:41)
Very small ballroom, but the backyard be able to decorated
Patti Rahayu (02/08/2017 14:22)
Good place to hold a family party
Muhammad Wildan (03/10/2017 06:41)
Historical wedding place
Dio Pradianggara (12/09/2017 00:38)
Fajar Muchlis (06/08/2017 07:50)
Rizky Maulana (06/08/2017 04:39)
hestuti hidayatin (04/06/2017 10:20)
Tempat pertemuan
Yuki Pangestu (03/06/2017 05:10)
Jalan kecana
Linda (05/05/2017 12:48)
Bentuknya ruangan biasa, bukan hall. Kalau untuk pesta pernikahan dirasa kurang cocok, karena jd nya sempit. Kalo untuk rapat, cukup bagus.
Dicky Christanto (02/05/2017 01:10)
Cukup baik utk resepsi skala menengah, parkir cukup, kebersihan baik..
platina putra (26/12/2016 08:13)
Taman nya luas
astya pradipta (08/01/2016 04:48)
Gedung pernikahan Dipta & Feni